Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Just Two Sisters From Idaho

Transfers were yesterday, and I have a new companion.  Her name is Sister T and she is from Weston, Idaho.  She has been out for only 2 transfers, so I am doing what they call, "follow-up" training.  It just means that I am her first companion since she was with her trainer.  It is really nerve-racking being the senior companion, and making sure that we are covering everything that we need to.  I am really excited for this next transfer, and the opportunity that I have to grow.
I was really sad to see Sister C2 go home, because she taught me a lot about myself, and about how to become a better missionary.  That is something that I will be constantly learning though.  After reading all those emails from family about how much growth they have seen in me, I guess that I really have grown.  Haha, I was thinking about how in 2015, I will spend most of that year on my mission.  And with every new year, new goals are made.  So the new goals that I am setting for myself is to not do anything that would make me have regrets while on my mission.  I also am setting goals to be more obedient, teach people not lessons, and also to get better at teaching and testifying.  I am really excited to see, and measure the growth that will hopefully occur within me.  I know that this will help me become a better missionary.

1.Funniest things done: I was playing with my chap stick, and I threw it up in the air.  Well it was one of the EOS ones, and those are not the smallest chap sticks in the world.  Well, I threw it up, and there was a lamp behind me, and the chap stick came down, and landed on the light bulb. It shattered.  I died laughing, cause what are the odds that it would have hit the light bulb just perfectly to shatter it.  No worries, the light bulb was eventually going to burn out.  I just sped the process up.  Sister C2 and I were laughing really hard, cause it was almost slow motion when it happened too.
2.Biggest Blessing: Not dying while I was driving. There was a lot of traffic the times that I was driving, and I was so worried that I was going to wreck the mission's car. But no worries.  It all ended up being okay, and there is not even a scratch on the car.  I didn't realize how much I missed driving until I was driving again, but I still would love to stay on my bike for the remainder of my mission.  That way I don't have to worry about wrecking the car, I only have to worry about wrecking myself on my bike.
3.Latest project: Helping Sister T see the potential that she has.  She was telling me that she doesn't feel like an awesome missionary, but that she is going through the motions, so that is what our goals are this week, to help her see how awesome of a missionary she is.
4.Most exciting events: Sister C2 went home... I was so sad, but I know that there is a time for everyone to go home, and I just happened to be her last companion.  She taught me so much, and I am so grateful that I was able to be with her.  ALSO, I got to skype home.  I realized once I got off, how awesome you all are, and I wish that I could have gotten back on and told you all that you are awesome, and I love you tons.  I know that we can all be together forever, and I am so grateful for that! I miss you all, but May and the Mother's Day call is not that far away.  And I know that this is what I am supposed to be doing, and as much fun as it would have been to be with you, I know that California is where I am to be right now.
5. Favorite Game: We played this game about acting out Christmas Songs, Movies, and Books while Sister C2 was skyping.  It was so fun, and I realized that I am REALLY bad at acting things out.
6.Favorite Foods: We had a really yummy fancy dinner, and I totally spilled all this meat juice on the WHITE tablecloth.  Oh well.  It makes for a good story right?? I hope. Hahah.
7.Most challenging thing: Getting a new companion, and trying to figure out how to interact.  It is awkward, but I honestly love it.
8. Simple Pleasures: I saw Sister C!!! She was at the transfer meeting.  And she is serving in RANCHO! So she is now down the hill with me! I was so excited to see her!
9.Goals: Lose Weight.  Obedience with Exactness.  Find new Investigators.
10.Biggest smile: When the computer connected, and I was able to see my family.  They all are awesome.  And I am so blessed to be part of the Rietz Clan!
11.Biggest accomplishment: Not crying when I had to say good-bye to Sister C2. Okay, that is a lie.  We both cried at the mission office like babies. hahha
12: Favorite Quote: Saying Goodbye to Elder O, and Sister O, and they both said Bye-Bye Fathead, and I was SO happy to hear that.  Then when we got to the car, sister B was like they weren't very nice, and I just started laughing, cause I forgot that she was not there for any of our jokes.  It was awkward, but I loved it.

I gotta go! But LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Bye bye Sister C2

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