Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Peace and blessings

Birthday dinner take 2
I have really been wondering why my leg had to be cut. I know that there had to be a reason, so one night I prayed and asked why it happened. Then on Sunday, I received my answer. There was a man that we met in Walmart, while we were waiting for my antibiotic for the infection in my leg. He was talking with us, while he and his wife were waiting for their medicine as well. They asked us if we were Mormon missionaries, and we told them that we were. They informed us, that she was less-active, and that he was not a member, but had thought about joining. We got their information, and gave it to the Santa-Fe Ward. Now, fast-forward to Saturday's baptism in the Santa-Fe ward. The man that got baptized was the same man that Sister M and I had met while waiting for my medicine. I know that this was an answer to my prayer, and that there really was a reason that my leg was cut. Although, it took a long time for me to realize why it had to happen, it all makes sense now.  There were so many times that I was mad about my leg, but now that I know Bro. F was that man, it really makes it all more worth it.  That was the Peace and Blessing that I got this week. 
1.Funniest things done: We were at a relief society thing, and I almost fell asleep, and then it was really awkward, because a bunch of people saw me, and they were all saying it was because we are on bikes.  It was just because it was like 8:30, and I am used to going to bed like an hour after that, and my stomach was full of amazingly delicious food.  I was super tired, and I just wanted to sleep.
2.Biggest Blessing:  We finally were able to get a hold of a potential investigator that we had been trying to visit for many nights.  She is really a solid investigator, and I know that she will get baptized, cause she was going to, but got scared cause a Jehovah Witness told her that she was going to burn in Hell, if she joined the Mormon Church.  Ella backed out, and it took from 2003 to now, so 11 YEARS to finally decide to meet with missionaries again.  It was really a cool thing to witness.  The spirit was so strong in that lesson.
3.Latest project: Getting to know my new companion.  It is weird to think you know everything about someone, and then they surprise you, and you just are like WOOOAAH! That threw me for a loop! ahah, yeah, that has happened a lot this week.
4.Most exciting events: I turned 20 years old this week.  I got 2 packages and I love everything that is in it.  I really loved the coat, and I have found random reasons to wear it around the apartment.
5.Favorite game: UMMM.... Yeah, I am not sure.  Probably just the mental game of "I think I can", everyday when we are biking up to our area.  
6.Favorite Foods: The Ice Cream that people keep bringing us for my birthday.  It is magically wonderful, and I really am so grateful for all those that have been bringing it to me.
7.Most challenging thing: Hearing the news that one of my favorite less actives was in the Hospital, and that the chance of her being okay, is slim.  I am praying really hard that all goes well with her.  There is also another less-active that we visit, and her husband was hit by a car while crossing the street.  The chance of him surviving is looking not well either.
8. Simple Pleasures: On a happier note, I am feeling better.  I was slightly sick on my birthday.  I was running a fever, and continually was getting the chills, and they were terrible.  But, the Elders gave me a blessing, and in the blessing the Lord told me it was ok to rest, and that I need to rest.  I had been feeling like a terrible missionary because I was down for the count, and then when I heard that, I knew that the Lord really knew that I needed to hear that, in order to feel like I was being an okay missionary, even though we hadn't stayed in the area long that day.  Blessings WORK PEOPLE! AND they bring Peace as well! PEACE AND BLESSINGS!
9.Goals: Get a new investigator, and then get them on the path to return to live with Heavenly Father again.
10.Biggest smile: Honestly, there were so many things this week that brought a smile to my face.  So many wonderful, precious moments that made me so glad to be a missionary, and living in the moment. People say their missions go super fast, and that we need to cherish EVERY moment.  And I know that there are so many things that I need to recognize as blessings, and not just coincidences.  
11.Biggest accomplishment: Surviving the first week, and realizing that I know more about the area than I thought I knew.
12. Worst Food: We had some crazy food this week.  We had sour cream enchiladas.  No enchilada should just have sour cream, onion, and cheese in it.  I thought I was gonna get super sick.
13. Amount of Miles Biked: 41 miles biked.  We are starting this transfer off in a good start.  I know that it will be a struggle, but the Lord promises us strength, and that he will give us the strength that we need to bike in our area.  
14: Favorite Quote: Sister J: "What kind of missionary jumps in the water?" (Referring to Peter answering the Savior when he invited him to come follow him) Me: "A disobedient missionary." *laughter errupts*

Well, we are pressed for time, because we only get an hour to email.  I love you all so much! Keep being awesome.  There is great things in store for all of you!

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